Emergency Dentistry and Urgent Care at West Portal Family Dentistry San Francisco, CA
At West Portal Family Dentistry, commitment to helping others isn’t something we just talk about. Dental emergencies are a priority, and we willingly come in to treat them, for existing patients and “not yet” patients. We can also call in a prescription to get someone in need out of immediate pain.
Tips for handling dental emergencies
- Each time our dentists place a temporary crown, we provide a complimentary packet of temporary crown cement. You can use this product to replace a lost filling or crown until the dentist sees you.
- For bleeding that persists after an extraction, bite gently on a dry tea bag or pad of clean gauze. Call our dental office if bleeding has not stopped within 30 minutes.
- For a tooth that is knocked out, rinse it in tepid water but do not use soap or scrub it. Hold it by the crown (not the root), and gently replace it into the socket if possible. Otherwise, keep it between the cheek and gum, or in a cup of milk. Call West Portal Family Dentistry and come in right away for the best chance of saving the tooth.
- Follow these post-operative instructions to avoid dental emergencies.
We do everything in our power to help ensure that patients never experience dental emergencies, but if you ever do have one, you will receive prompt, compassionate care at West Portal Family Dentistry.